Leading When You Have Doubt

One of the biggest problems in scouting, business, and life in general is the lack of skills to lead. Not the lack of ability, just the skill needed to lead and then step out of the way. In Scout Troops you hear too many stories of Scoutmasters running the show of...

Is being a scout leader Easy Hard or Hard Easy?

I have become a fan of Mark Miller’s blog Great Leaders Serve. Mark teamed up with Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager to write Great Leaders Grow: Become a Leader for Life. A great book that I recommend to everyone. You will know the name Ken Blanchard as...

Why Join

People come to Wood Badge for different reasons. They are in different places in life, come from diferent places in Scouting and have kids that run the gamut of ages. This is another answer to the question  “Why did you attend Wood Badge?” Going through scouting as a...