There is a lot of singing at Wood Badge

There is a lot of singing at Wood Badge

I was organizing some of the drawers in my house that contained scout memorabilia. Yes, I have more than one and shelves, and I came across my Wood Badge songbooks. The Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders have created these pocket-sized songbooks for each Wood Badge...
The origin of the neckerchief color

The origin of the neckerchief color What is the real story of the color of the Wood Badge neckerchief? Learn about it from Scout Historian Colin Walker. You will also learn a little more about the beads. If you want to learn more about the history of Wood Badge from Mr....
The Boondoggle

The Boondoggle

Have you ever heard the word “Boondoggle?” If you are of a certain age you probably know what this means. My 15-year-old son had no clue. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a Boondoggle is “a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft....
The Wood Badge Quiz Is Live!

The Wood Badge Quiz Is Live!

How well do you think you know Wood Badge? Take this quiz and test your knowledge. It is 50 questions long but it won’t take you any time if you’ve done your homework, or stayed awake on weekend 1. There are questions about the course and about Wood Badge...