S9-113 Staff at Orientation

This past weekend the staff of Wood Badge course S9-113 got together as a group for the first time. We met at the Scout Hut in Mentone, Alabama during the morning before a group headed to Camp Comer to recruit Cub Scout leaders attending the OA Pow-Wow.

The staff spent the morning “forming” and going over details of the course. We broke off into subgroups and word has it that the Troop Guides are already moving towards being a high-performing team. That is very exciting to the rest of the staff. The Troop Guides are the people that you, the participant, will interact with the most. The better they work together, the better your experience will be.

In the last post you saw that we are less than six months away from the start of the course. You may think you have plenty of time to decide to join us. That’s not really true. You and I both know that when summer rolls around we tend to stop thinking about Scouting. Expecially those of us in the cub program.

Because of this we have a goal to fill our course by the end of May. We want to make sure that we have all the spots filled before everyone takes off on their summer vacation and slows down their scouting activities.

The only way we can do this is with your help. If you are interested in attending but need more information, either fill out the form or contact Scoutmaster David Keith directly. If there are people in your unit who you think would be a great candidate, please refer them to us.

Don’t forget, this is a NON-SUNDAY COURSE, and there won’t be another for another three years or so. This course is perfect for those who religious beliefs keep them from attending a Sunday course. For those who work on Sundays, or just don’t want to miss church. And finally for everyone else, it gives you a day to decompress before work on Monday.

Now let’s get this course filled!