Vulcan Wiki has changed its name to Scouter Wiki. I changed the name to make it easier for people, Scouters, to find information to help them do their scout job easier. And I changed the name because the site if for more than just those of us in the Vulcan District. 

You can find camp recipes, orienteering courses, campsite information, water activities, recruiting tips, scouts own services, songs and who knows what else at Scouter Wiki. You will find many things to help make your one-hour a week a little easier.

Do you have something to share? We are always looking for more information to post, so if you have something you think would make a good item to share, send it to

The web address has changed to but you will be redirected from the previous address for a short time. You can always get to the page by going to the Wiki in the main menu at

Shawn Wright
Scoutmaster, S9-119