The next National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) course in the Greater Alabama Council will be held at Camp Westmoreland, July 21-27, 2013.
NYLT is a six-day outdoor training course for senior youth leaders in Boy Scouting or the Venturing programs. NYLT augments the training received from Troop Leadership Training (TLT) or the Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews (ILSC) focusing on the skills needed by Senior Patrol Leaders, Presidents and Boatswains. The course is lead by a volunteer staff of youth and adults experienced in training youth leaders.
We like to think of NYLT as Wood Badge for Youth. Best of all, NYLT is youth run.
Now is the time to look around your Troop and Crew and send your youth. If you are a Wood Badger, you will appreciate the fact that they can experience the same life changing course as you did. It is amazing to see these youth staffers present the materials and grow as a team.
It’s amazing to see the change in that quiet, shy youth you sent to NYLT and seeing the change in them when they come back. They have leadership skills and they start driving you crazy with songs. Probably those sang songs you embarrassed him with after your course.
If you have any questions, Wayne Jackson is the Course Director. His email address is Download the flyer and send it to the other leaders in your unit. Help us to fill this course.