I was lucky enough to be featured in the Greater Alabama Council’s Digital Eagle this week. I got to tell my story and help promote for course S9-115 that is just a month and a half away.
My name is Shawn Wright and I will be the Senior Patrol Leader for Wood Badge S9-115. I have a son who is a Second-Class Scout and another one who can’t wait to be a Tiger in the fall. When my oldest was a Tiger Cub I grudgingly took BALOO training and I came across a Wood Badge brochure in my packet of information. To make a long story short, I took that course and have staffed 4 more. I took on leadership roles in my pack, my troop, the district and even the council. Wood Badge was the catalyst for me. While I don’t expect you to go overboard like I have, the difference it could make in your unit could be huge.
Because what Wood Badge has done for me, I am inviting you to join me for Wood Badge Course S9-115 on April 10-13 and May 1-3.
Wood Badge is Scouting’s premier training course for ALL Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing leaders as well as council and district leaders and professionals. There are benefits to volunteers in all the different programs.
At Wood Badge you will learn the patrol method, you will learn about team building, you will be taught advanced leadership skills that will help you to become a better leader than you ever thought possible. You will learn skills that will be relevant in your scouting life and your work life.
Sign up online HERE, but do it now. We can only take 48 participants and if you don’t sign up in time, it will be another year before the next course. That’s too long to wait.
Have you already been Wood Badge trained? Help me spread the word and tell others of your experience at Wood Badge. Ask someone in your unit to attend and help them get signed up.
If you have any questions, contact me at shawn@marketcloud.us. You can also contact our Course Director John Trichell at S9115SM@yahoo.com.
If you would like a copy of the brochure, download HERE.
Thanks and I’ll see you at Wood Badge!
Shawn Wright
Senior Patrol Leader
Wood Badge S9-115