I got back from Wood Badge on Saturday, exhausted, but humming “back to gilwell, happy land…” I had a great time and by the look on everyones faces and the posts on Facebook and our Yahoo Groups pages, we all did.
I was looking forward to the beginning of this week to decompress, finish some work for clients and take a mini-break from scouting. No such luck, I have already had four scouting meetings and worked on some projects with the council. Not to mention that we are already working on weekend 2.
Not only is the staff working towards weekend 2 but the participants and their troop guides are deep in the middle of writing goals. Think about this, there are 42 participants on this course and each will complete 5 goals. Essentially 5 goals for their unit. This course alone will provide 210 projects throughout the Greater Alabama Council in the next 18 months. Projects that will help make them better leaders and help their units and communities as well.
Three weeks from today we will meet again at Camp Westmoreland to finish our second and final weekend together. With all the visions and goals completed and not hanging over our heads, it will make for a fantastic weekend.
If you had a chance to follow us on Facebook and you really wished you had made the course, sign up today for S9-114. It is a Friday through Sunday course which will make it much easier to get of work and be able to attend.
Back to Gilwell, happy land, I’m going to work my ticket if I can!